Thursday, 24 October 2013

Proffesional Studies- Publishing company

IDW Publishing logo.svg

IDW publishing is an American company which focuses on publishing art books,comic books and graphic novels. It was founded in 2000 and by 2010 was the fifth largest publishing company of american books.

The company was originally known for publishing horror comics. Some of the companies licensed comics include
Mars attacks
The Shield
The Transformers
G.I Joe
Shaun of the dead
Silent Hill
Metal gear solid
Land of the dead

Proffesional Studies - Illustrator Research

Brian Bolland


Born: March 26, 1951
Bolland is a British comics artist, he is best known for his work for the DC comics. Most definitive out of his works are his illustrations for the popular graphic novel 'The Killing Joke' written by Alan Moore.

He has also worked with the writers of wonder woman to create the character.

He is also a keen photographer, and part time writer.