Hieronymus Bosch
Bosch's work included incredible attention to detail and often surreal imagery. Most of his works depicted religious concepts and a lot of his work showed the many sins,flaws,wrong doings and there out comes of human beings,
''The cure of Folly'' is one of Boschs first most known pieces and it dates around 1494. The image depicts the misguided medical facilities of the day and how laughable they were. The inscription reads...
Master, cut away the stone
my name is Lubbert Das"
Through out his entire career he focussed mostly on religious topics and I find this one the most intriguing. This is The haywain a triptych by him, it was thought to be finished around 1500. In the first pannel Adam and Eve are depicted in the garden of Eden and all is well and beautiful, in the second pannel things are getting a little hectic and people are shown engaging in sinful behaviour. in the third panel hell is depicted to show what would happen and where you'd end up if you acted as the people are in the second panel.